Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Performance Analysis on Genetic Algorithms Neural Network Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm
SHANG He-Ping, JI Yu-Bo
Abstract370)      PDF (125KB)(233)      
Genetic algorithm neural networks is a method that uses genetic algorithms to optimize connection right value to replace gradient decrease method. Joining the simulation annealing algorithm in the evolution process of the genetic algorithm, it has the global optimum and local search capability. At the same time, it can not only enhance the rate and efficiency of algorithmic constringency, but also effectively avoid appearing precocity and plunging into local optimum. The method can completely satisfy the accuracy and speed’s requirements of the real-time system. It was studied that genetic algorithm neural networks joining simulation annealing arithmetic operators after reproduction, crossover or mutation, and was compared their performance of optimize in the genetic neural networks.
2007, 27 (3): 67-70.